Friday, August 14, 2015

Getting to Know Our Staff

What's that takes a village to raise a child???  The same is true for the classroom.  Not only do I have awesome teacher teammates, Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Higdon, but I also have some other amazing staff working with me in my room.  I could not do it without their help and love for students.  On the far left, Mr. Kevin or Coach Farris as some of our football players call him.  In the white is my classroom assistant, Mrs. Robin, also known as my right hand.  Next to her is my classroom RN, Mrs. Kim.  AND of course all of my awesome Eagle students.  We are closing up an awesome first week of the 2015-2016 school year!

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing you ALL are! I'm so grateful that Corey has all of you in his life!
