Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wacky Wednesday

Today's Wacky Wednesday topic was dealing with emergencies.  We were blessed to have a guest speaker, Deputy Whitford, talk to us about his experience as an officer of the law. He has had an extensive background in the law enforcement field, including a little spotlight of fame on Bad Boys in the 90's.  Currently he is the school resource officer at Daviess County High School.  The students loved asking him a variety of questions about his job and his life experiences in the field.  Needless to say, he was a shining hero in our hall today.  :)  We followed up our guest speaker with mini lessons in the classroom.  We learned the difference between an emergency situation and a situation that is not an emergency.  We practiced calling 9-1-1 on the active board, talked about what to do if you don't know the address of where the emergency is, and discussed the types of questions the 9-1-1 operator may ask you.  We also broke into small groups and went through some mock scenarios, and ended with a quick exit ticket where the students had to decide if the situation required calling 9-1-1 or if it was something a family member could help them with.  I think the students really enjoyed this morning and took a lot of life skills from the lesson.  A big thank you to Deputy Whitford for visiting us!

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