Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wacky Wednesday

Today's Wacky Wednesday topic was dealing with emergencies.  We were blessed to have a guest speaker, Deputy Whitford, talk to us about his experience as an officer of the law. He has had an extensive background in the law enforcement field, including a little spotlight of fame on Bad Boys in the 90's.  Currently he is the school resource officer at Daviess County High School.  The students loved asking him a variety of questions about his job and his life experiences in the field.  Needless to say, he was a shining hero in our hall today.  :)  We followed up our guest speaker with mini lessons in the classroom.  We learned the difference between an emergency situation and a situation that is not an emergency.  We practiced calling 9-1-1 on the active board, talked about what to do if you don't know the address of where the emergency is, and discussed the types of questions the 9-1-1 operator may ask you.  We also broke into small groups and went through some mock scenarios, and ended with a quick exit ticket where the students had to decide if the situation required calling 9-1-1 or if it was something a family member could help them with.  I think the students really enjoyed this morning and took a lot of life skills from the lesson.  A big thank you to Deputy Whitford for visiting us!

Big Eagle Madness

Big Eagle Madness was the Friday before Fall Break.  It was BIG and it was a lot of MADNESS!  I love the crazy things our faculty and students put together for us.  There were lots of student rewards given, including some for special olympics.  There was a dance off among the teachers, some relay races, and much more.  It was a great way to kick off fall break!

Wacky Wednesday - Common Illnesses

With colder weather comes more germs and common illnesses.  As the season changes, it was a perfect time to talk about common illnesses.  We were blessed to have Mrs. Kim, a registered nurse, with us to go into detail about common illnesses, symptoms, medications, etc.  Check out Mrs. Roberts and her "symptoms"......she is too funny!  

Diamond Lakes

To say Diamond Lakes was an awesome CBI is an understatement.  The weather was gorgeous, the students were so well behaved, and we had tons of peer tutors go with us.  There are so many fun things to do at Diamond Lakes....put-put golf, go-karting, fish feeding, and walking around enjoying the scenery.  Lunch was delicious, too!  It was so nice to have a big picnic with our school family.  The fish were so active that they would swarm the paddle boats and spin the riders in circles.  What a fun day!

Our pal Corey even got to come for lunch!

The 3 Madison's....too cute!