Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas Celebration

In our super busy day of movies, lunch, and the talent show we did have time to squeeze in a small Christmas celebration.  Some of our friends from Young Life Capernum brought us treats.  Corey made a goody bag for each of his classmates, and Cameron brought a box of goodies.  That whoopie cushion was a hot commodity. Everyone had their fingers crossed to win it.  :)  We had fun celebrating with each other and singing along to some Christmas music on youtube.  It was a great way to end our day before the winter break.  Mrs. Kim, Ms. Danielle, and I also got a few goodies.  We appreciate everything our students are parents do for the class.  Every day is a fun day at Apollo! 

Movies and Alumni Lunch

On the last day before Winter Break, we made a trip to the movies to see Night at the Museum and to Ryan's for our annual winter alumni lunch.  The movie was great and so was the food and company at Ryan's.  Check out the pics from our fun trip!

Apollo Has Talent

Recently, Apollo had a school wide talent show and our very own, Hunter, participated.  We all cheered him on, and he received a standing ovation from the crowd.  He didn't win the competition, but he is a winner in our books!  Check him out!  He's singing a song from his favorite artist, Michael Buble.

Between the play and the talent show, we have talent everywhere on the 100's hall.  Check out Cameron and Ms. Danielle dancing!

Speaking of talent, we are making plans to have our own talent show sometime this spring (possibly in March).  Start brainstorming what your talent performance may be!

The Nutcracker

If you missed the performance of our 12th annual play, The Nutcracker, then you really missed out.  Our students did an awesome job with the performance.  We have a lot of great talent on our hall.  This play was a collaborative effort among many students, teachers, staff, and volunteers.   A big thank you also goes out to all the parents who helped gather materials for costumes and props.  This was my first year seeing the performance go together from beginning to end, and it was amazing.  I am so proud of all of the students for their hard work!

I took several pictures of the dress rehearsal and performance.  Here is the link to print some from Walmart.